P30 Aerovee Engine Installation.
I determined that the firewall adaptor would not work. The inside portion went too far into the area between the rudder pedals. I am concerned that a passenger might hit the fuel line with their foot. So I have decided to remove it. I am going to attach the gascolator directly to the firewall. With a 90 degree fitting the fuel line will be next to the firewall. Therefore the fuel line will be protected by the rudder pedals. I am going to place extra pieces of stainless steel on both sides of the firewall. Today I made a pattern out of aluminum. I installed it with the gascolator to be sure it will work. When I get the stainless steel I will make two of them. I will put one on each side of the firewall. This should strength and stiffen the firewall at the gascolator location.
Throttle Trim Attachment.
I drilled the holes in a 2 x 2 x 1/8th angle for the Throttle, Mixture and Trim Controls. The will be attached to the bottom of the panel in the middle. I bolted the Throttle and Trim to the angle.>/p>

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