F14-06 Left and Right Hand Lower Firewall Attach Angles.
I used the band saw to cut the Z02-03 Angle stock to the shape and size. I polished the edges with the scotch brite wheel. I used the hand seamer to open the angle to the required 94 degrees.
F14-05 Left and Right Hand Upper Firewall Attach Angles.
I used the band saw to cut the Z02-03 Angle stock to the shape and size. I polished the edges with the scotch brite wheel. I used the hand seamer to open the angle to the required 94 degrees.
F14-04 Left and Right Hand Firewall Attach Angles.
I used the band saw to cut the Z02-03 Angle stock to the shape and size. I polished the edges with the scotch brite wheel. I used the yard stick hinge template to drill the equally spaced 18 holes. I then located the two end holes and drilled them per the plans.
F14-03 Left and Right Hand Cowlling Attach Hinge.
I cut the hinge to the proper length. I used the band saw to cut the shape and to cut off the two lower lugs. I then used the scotch brite wheel to polish the edges.
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