F19-03 Splice Assembly.
I measured and marked on F20-07 Skin Splice Channel the locations for the F20-10 Former clips. On one side of the splice channel I clamped the clips in location. I drilled #40 pilot holes through the splice channel using the clip for location. I then clecoed the clips on both sides to the channel. Next I up drilled to #30 all the holes for the clips through the channel. I removed the clecos and deburred all the holes. I clecoed the clips back in place and riveted them per the plans.
F19-02 Skin Assembly.
I clamped the splice channel to the edge of the table. I clamped the right hand skin to the channel. Next I drilled #40 pilot holes through the channel using the pilot holes in the skin for location. I then moved the splice channel to the middle of the work table. I clamped the end to the table edges. I also placed some block along the channel to help hold it up right. I clecoed both the left and right hand skins to the splice channel with the left skin on top. I then up drilled all the holes to #30 size. I removed all the clecos and deburred all the holes on both skins and the splice channel. I clecoed it all together with the left hand skin on top. I riveted all 77 holes. With 76 through the splice channel and 1 just through the two skins per the plans.
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