F20 Turtle Deck Details.
F20-12 Aft Clip. I cut this part from Z02-03 Angle stock using the band saw. I trimmed to final size and shape using the scotch brite wheel. I made a pattern of the holes using tracing paper. I transfered the hole locations to the part using the pattern. I used the drill press to drill the holes per the plans.
F20-11 Forward Clip. I cut this part from Z02-03 Angle stock using the band saw. I trimmed to final size and shape using the scotch brite wheel. I made a pattern of the holes using tracing paper. I transfered the hole locations to the part using the pattern. I used the drill press to drill the holes per the plans.
F20-10 Former Clips. I made 6 of these parts. I cut this part from Z02-03 Angle stock using the band saw. I trimmed to final size and shape using the scotch brite wheel. I measured and located the holes on the larger flange for all 6 parts. I measured and marked the holes on the smaller flange for only 3 of the parts. I used the drill press to drill only the holes I had marked. Since these parts are going to be 3 pairs on the skin splice channel I want the holes on the short side to be match drilled. Next I clamped the short sides together using one already drilled and one not yet drilled. I then match drilled the holes and clecoed them together. I also number the matched pairs so that they won't get seperated.
F20-09 Left and Right Hand Attach Plates. The these kit supplied parts however they needed to be bent 30 degrees. I used the arbor press to bend them to the correct angle. I also cleaned and deburred the part.
F20-08 Splice Plate. This is also a kit supplied part. All that was required was to clean and debur the part.
F20-07 Skin Splice Channel. This part was cut from Z02-04 Channel Stock. It was cut to length using a hack saw. The angles at each end were cut with a hack saw and snips. The end were cleaned and debured with a file.
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