F03-08 Shear Angle.
Used files and scotch brite wheel to get to final shape and size. Drilled the #40 pilot holes per the plans.
F03-07 Spacers.
Used the scotch brite wheel to get to the final shape and size.
F03-04 Spacers.
Used files and the scotch brite wheel to get to the final shape and size.
F03-03 Fittings.
The kit provided the part cut to the proper shape and with pilot holes drilled. I up drilled the three 1/8th and one 1/4th inch holes. I used files and the hand scotch brite wheel to clean cut marks from all the edges.
F03-02 Channel.
I used the band saw to cut to proper length and finished to proper length with files and scotch brite wheel. I drilled and up drilled the two 1/4th inch holes. For the 1-3/4th inch hole I drilled using a step drill up to 7/8th inch hole. I then used the nibler to get close to the final size. I finished to the final size using files and the hand scotch brite wheel. For the notches at the lower corners I drilled the corners to get an approximate radius. I then used the band saw to cut the notches into the holes drilled in the corners. I finished to final shape and size using files and the scotch brite wheel.
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