F16-10 Lower Forward Cross Tie.
This is a kit supplied part. I cleaned and sanded this part.
F16-09 Upper Forward Cross Tie. This is a kit supllied part. The cut edges on this part required use of a file to remove cutting marks. I also cleaned and sanded this part.
F16-08 Side Clips. I used the band saw to cut these clips from Z01-03 Angle Stock. I used the drill press to drill the pilot holes. I deburred the edges and holes.
F16-07 Shear Plates. These are kit supplied parts. I removed the cut marks on the edges using the die grider with the small scotch brite wheel. I sanded and cleaned the parts.
F16-06 Right and Left Hand Vertical Angles. These are kit supplied parts. I cleaned and sanded these parts.
F16-05 Aft Tunnel Angle. I used the band saw to cut the Z05-02 Kit Stock to the proper length. I used a file to smooth and clean the cut edge. Next I cut the notches out of the lower corners. I used the drill to provide relief in the corners. I then used the hack saw to cut out the rough shape. I finished the notches using file to get the proper shape and size.
F16-04 Support Angle. This is a kit supllied part. The cut edges on this part required use of a file to remove cutting marks. I also cleaned and sanded this part.

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