F19-01 Turtle Deck Installation.
Today I finished the Turtle Deck Installation. I first riveted the #1 Formers to the skin. Then I riveted the formers to the splice plate and forward clip. I also riveted the angle plates to the #1 formers. Then I riveted Formers #4, #3 and #2 in that order. Also on each I first riveted the skin to the formrs. Then I riveted the formers to the splice channel clips. Last I riveted for each former to the vertical and cross tie channels. This followed the order of assembly in the plans.
F18-01 Tail Cone Assembly.
I installed the four bolts AN525-10R12 called out in detail A. I torqued the bolts to 25 in/lbs. Next I riveted the bottom of Cross Tie #1 as shown in view DD. I clecoed the bottom skin to the assembly. I will leave it that way until the final assembly of the airframe.
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